Battlefront 3 Free Radical

An early build of Star Wars: Battlefront 3, the Free Radical-developed game that LucasArts canceled due to budget concerns, shows potential in an hour-long video captured by Past to Present Online. Is It Possible To Get Free Radical's Alpha Game? This for some Halo related stuff or was he in on Free Radical's Battlefront 3 as well? It seems I played the.

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Back in 2006, word surfaced that Free Radical Design had been tasked with developing Star Wars: Battlefront 3. Two years later the company announced the game had come to a halt before EA snapped up the rights to the Star Wars franchise - with just a few videos of footage from the canned title surfacing since.

Now, a playable version of the game has seemingly appeared, courtesy of someone on Reddit who claims to 'take interest' in prototype games.

You'll need an Xbox 360 development kit in order to run it, according to the poster. As of writing this I've been unable to try it myself, so I can't say for sure if it works. So far nobody else has claimed to have got it working.

The uploader also posted a series of videos showing footage of the build.

Space pirates

'I know not everyone will get the chance to play this immediately,' they wrote, 'but over time I expect the modding community to be able to change that.'

I've watched a number of Battlefront 3 footage videos over the years, and while I do think EA's Battlefront game has its merits, Battlefront 3 looks like the game that fans have really been clamouring for.


Star Wars Battlefront 3 Free Radical Pc

Obviously it looks quite dated now and the build is still quite sketchy, but everything we've seen so far points to a more well-rounded game. The video below shows off some previously leaked footage.

Free Radical Design's cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3 has been shown off again in newly-leaked footage. It's our best look yet at what might have been.

The TimeSplitters and Second Sight studio had been developing the game for two years when LucasArts pulled the project back in 2006, a decision which caused the studio's fall into administration.

Free Radical's impressive ground-to-space technology is shown off in detail, as the player is seen taking off and flying around huge areas set on Hoth and Coruscant, then off into space to battle TIE Fighters and Star Destroyers.

Earlier glimpses have showed a pre-alpha version of the game. This build is far closer to a finished experience, although some frame-rate issues are still present.

Battlefront 3 Free Radical

The game's story was to begin with a prologue set on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker's dusty backgarden, before moving on to Coruscant, Cato Nemoidia, Dantooine, Desolation Station, Yavin IV, Hoth and Endor.

Later levels were set to feature Cloud City, Dathomir (from the Clone Wars cartoon), Mustafar, and Wookie homeworld Kashyyyk. Some maps were designed to allow at least 32 players.

An ex-Free Radical employee stated after the game's cancellation that the studio's ground-to-space was 'dying with us', and that the next Battlefront title (then in development at UK studio Rebellion) was being rebuilt from the ground up, with the ground-to-space transition replaced by a cut-scene.

Star Wars Battlefront 3 Ps3

Eurogamer previously spoke to Free Radical Design's co-founder about what drove many of the team that made GoldenEye out of games entirely, and which publishers had a hand in the studio's untimely demise.

Star Wars Battlefront 3 Free

This year, DICE will finally deliver a new Star Wars Battlefront , albeit one where aerial combat is limited in scope. Vehicles can be called into action but not climbed into, and travel space is entirely off-limits.