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How can I install Android on a Samsung Wave GTS-5253?

Descargar Android Samsung 525i

  1. you can't but you can try this android UI firmware on your wave 525 phone

  2. Plz tell me samsung wave 525 gts525 mobile phone is android phone can supported android software

    • Wave 525 is Bada phone and doesn't supports Android apps and Android OS.

  3. how to install android in samsung GT-S5253?

    • It's not possible to do so as there are no available Android firmware for your phone.

  4. new software for samsung gts-5233a

  5. Unfortunately, there is no real possible way of installing Android on the Wave. There have been people working on it, but after burning a couple phones up installing it and not enough support from the community to donate phones to work on, it has since ceased and no longer is being developed. The specific model phone used was the Wave S8500, so there isn't really any chance for you to even try it on your phone.

  6. it is not android mobile only BADA is allowed their

  7. I think so you can but if i were u, i'd rather buy a new phone or be happy with BADA...Try google-ing or youtube-ing...

  8. It can be possible if you are really good with flashing of a device. Otherwise not.

  9. android doesn't support ur device ..
    so don't try to install......

  10. GTS-5253 cannot run Android. Even if there were a workaround to install Android, the devcice would lag all the time.

  11. Your phone can also get burned out if you try to install the Android firmware that you see to come across while searching for Android firmware for your phone.

  12. You can't.

  13. Your mobile's hardware doesn't support Android. You may run into risk of bricking your phone.

  14. Samsung Wave GTS-5253 comes with Bada OS and is not an Android phone. So suggest to keep it that way, as you never know how android or your phone will react to this marriage or react at all or not. Ultimately, you may have a broken house situation where everything becomes dysfunctional. :)