Nlite Sata Driver Pack Xp Sp3

I am trying to install Windows XP on Sony Vaio. I know that I have to slipstream the SATA driver in Windows XP cd, but the software uses an .inf file and I have the .exe installer for the driver. How do I get the .inf file out?


Nlite Sata Driver Pack Xp Sp3 1

Nlite Sata Driver Pack Xp Sp3

Nlite Sata Driver Pack Xp Sp3 7


N Lite Sata Driver Pack


  2. Hello, what service pack are you trying to install? If you have service pack 3, you should have no problems with installation as this service pack already includes compatibility with sata.

  3. I'm with Bruce, you may as well slipstream SP3 (which supports SATA) onto the system since you are going to need it anyway. There are instructions on the MS web site (and elsewhere, I'm sure) on doing this. Personally, I use nLite to both slipstream and customize the installation.

  4. You can bypass slipstreaming a specific SATA driver in such a manner by simply slipstreaming Service Pack 3 instead or if your install disk already has SP3, you shouldn't need to slipstream anything. I've never had a problem installing on dozens of desktops and laptops with an XP SP3 install disk.

  5. This is a great question - my favorite method is using the open source software 7-Zip, although a large variety of compression software will perform the same function. I've used this countless times to get the required software to install SATA hard drives in XP. It's quite the hassle!

    Anyway, extracting from .exe is as simple as installing the software and right clicking on the .exe file. Choose 'extract to' and 7-Zip will decompress the require file into the directory you've selected. I prefer a separate folder because sometimes, if you decompress into your root directory, you'll find hundreds of files and a very tedious clean up ahead of you.

Different chipset => different AHCI driver UPDATE 3: If you try to install Windows XP on a newer laptop, sometimes Windows XP failed to detect the hard drive, especially if your laptop using SATA AHCI mode. That's why you need to slipstream your SATA AHCI drivers into a Windows XP installation CD using nLite.