Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Deeds

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Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Server. Maestro is a MIDI to ABC converter for The Lord of the Rings Online; ABC Player lets you listen to ABC files as they would sound when played in The Lord of the Rings Online • - Starbound Composer can play back ABC files exactly like Starbound does, with all the instruments available in Starbound. ABC files need to be created, saved or downloaded into the Documents Lord of the Rings Online Music folder. If you do not have a music folder in the Lord of the Rings folder just create a new one. The file extension for ABC must be However they can be opened with a. General Information. Class: Minstrel Level required: 25 A Minstrel can learn this skill by acquiring a Guide to the Bagpipes; This skill can also be instructed by a Minstrel using the skill Mentor: Bagpipes.

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digero released this Nov 12, 2018


Maestro v2.5.0.msi - Includes ABC Player

Maestro and ABC Player require Java (32-bit)

What's New in v2.5:

  • Added the new bassoons from update 23: Basic Bassoon, Brusque Basson, and Lonely Mountain Bassoon
  • Added groups to the Instrument picker: Plucked Strings, Bowed Strings, Woodwinds, and Percussion.
  • Renamed all instruments to match their name in game (e.g. 'Basic Flute' instead of 'Flute')
  • Fixed the relative volume of the Bassoons and Fiddles to match the game.
  • Fixed how ABC Player finds the instrument from a part name. It should now always use the last matching instrument name in the title, so a part called e.g. 'Basic Fiddle Tune - Theorbo' will be detected as Theorbo.


ABC Player

Maestro_v2.5.0.zip97 MB

digero released this Apr 18, 2018 · 12 commits to master since this release


Maestro v2.4.1.msi - Includes ABC Player

Maestro and ABC Player require Java (32-bit)

What's New in v2.4:

  • Added the new fiddles from update 22: Basic Fiddle, Bardic Fiddle, Lonely Mountain Fiddle, Sprightly Fiddle, Traveller's Trusty Fiddle, Student's Fiddle
  • Updated the ABC preview to better match the game by removing reverb and adjusting the length of notes played by the fiddles, flute, clarinet, horn, bagpipes, and pibgorn.
  • Added a live view of the ABC text to ABC player. The currently-playing notes are highlighted, and you can click on a note to jump to that point in the song.
  • Added a display of the current line number to ABC Player. Clicking the line number will open the ABC text to that part.
  • Fix tracks getting out of sync in ABC Player in rare cases.

Version 2.4.0 was missing the Bardic Fiddle, which is added in 2.4.1.

Maestro_v2.4.1.zip86.5 MB

digero released this Apr 18, 2018 · 13 commits to master since this release

What's New

  • Added the new fiddles from update 22.
  • Updated the ABC preview to better match the game by removing reverb and adjusting the length of notes played by the fiddles, flute, clarinet, horn, bagpipes, and pibgorn.
  • Added a live view of the ABC text to ABC player. The currently-playing notes are highlighted, and you can click on a note to jump to that point in the song.
  • Added a display of the current line number to ABC Player. Clicking the line number will open the ABC text to that part.
  • Fix tracks getting out of sync in ABC Player in rare cases.
Maestro_v2.4.0.zip69.7 MB

digero released this Jun 29, 2015 · 38 commits to master since this release

What's New

  • Added the new instruments Lute of Ages and Misty Mountain Harp from update 16.1.
    • Any Lute part in ABC Player and Maestro will use Lute of Ages for the ABC preview, unless it contains 'Basic Lute' (or 'New Lute') in its title, in which case it'll use the Basic Lute.
  • Updated the note sounds for the Clarinet, Flute, Drum, Horn, and Basic Lute notes that were changed in update 16.1.
  • Adjusted the volume levels of all instruments to match what's in the game.
  • Slightly tweaked the volume levels in ABC Player for note dynamics (+ff+, +mp+, etc) to more closely match the game.
Maestro_v2.3.0.zip42.4 MB

digero released this Apr 15, 2015 · 57 commits to master since this release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when opening .abc files that are missing the 'M' field.
Maestro_v2.2.1.zip34.5 MB

digero released this Apr 15, 2015 · 59 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • Updated the LOTRO instrument audio samples with the new sounds from Update 15.
  • Add a new option in Settings > Save & Export > 'Remove silence from start of exported ABC'. It is enabled by default, which is how Maestro has always worked. You can disable it if you want to export multiple ABC files from a single MIDI file, and you need them to all start at the same time.

Bug Fixes

  • If you open an .abc or .msx file in Maestro, the transcriber 'Z' field will be filled with the transcriber info from that file. This lets you preserve the transcriber name if you modify someone else's .abc file in Maestro.
Maestro_v2.2.0.zip34.5 MB

digero released this May 21, 2015 · 69 commits to master since this release


  • Revert LOTRO instrument samples since they were rolled back in the game.
Maestro_v2.1.1.zip23.4 MB

digero released this May 21, 2015 · 71 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • Updated the LOTRO instrument audio samples with the new tuned instrument sounds from the game.
  • Updated the Maestro configuration for Horn, Clarinet, and Pibgorn so it will now output notes in the full 3-octave range, now that they no longer have breath sounds.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where you could not edit or export a song that was loaded from an ABC file that didn't have a 'C:' or 'Z:' field.
  • Editing a song from an ABC file now correctly loads the time signature rather than defaulting to 4/4.
Maestro_v2.1.0.zip23.9 MB

digero released this May 21, 2015 · 80 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • Maestro now works with songs that change tempo! I've overhauled the MIDI-to-ABC conversion logic, so the exported ABC songs play at their original tempo and don't stutter after the tempo changes.
    • When a song contains tempo changes, you'll see an extra row in the track list that shows you how the tempo changes over the course of the song.
    • Because LOTRO doesn't understand the ABC notation for tempo changes mid-song, all note lengths are multiplied by the ratio of the actual tempo and the main tempo. For example, if the tempo changes from 100 BPM to 111 BPM, all note lengths are multiplied by 111/100 for that part of the song.
    • When the tempo changes in a song, the new tempo will be written in a comment, for example: %%Q: 111
    • The tempo-change comments are used by Maestro and ABC Player to understand the tempo changes within a song. This lets you open an ABC file with Maestro, and it will still understand the tempo changes.
  • You can now save Maestro Song files, so you don't have to start from scratch if you want to export a song again with some different options.
    • Files are saved in XML format, with the extension .msx (for Maestro Song XML). If you use the installer, this extension will be registered to open with Maestro by default.
    • The .msx files do NOT store the original MIDI file that you opened, so you need to keep the MIDI file around as well.
  • Bar lines are now shown in the track list, and there's a bar counter in the lower-right, just like there is in ABC Player.
  • The lengths of notes in Maestro's ABC output is normalized, so you won't get notes that are a weird length, like an eleven-eighths note. Instead, each note is made up of tied notes of proper lengths: whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth note etc., or a dotted quarter note, dotted eighth note, etc. (However, due to tempo changes, you may still see a note with an ugly fraction like 111/100, but they will still be proper note lengths like a quarter note).

Bug Fixes

  • Numerous small bug fixes.
Maestro_v2.0.0.zip23.4 MB

digero released this May 21, 2015 · 118 commits to master since this release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with the volume bar showing incorrect values when switching between ABC parts.
Maestro_v1.4.1.zip23.3 MB

Playing Music in The Lord of the Rings Online: What You’ll Need


Music is a fun way to pass the time in The Lord of The Rings Online, or LOTRO. If you're waiting for a guild mate to come back from making a sandwich so the rest of you can finish off a big boss, or you're just hanging out in one of the towns waiting to decide what areas you're going to quest in, it never hurts to break out an instrument and start rocking out.

First, then, you'll need an instrument, and you'll need to know how to play it. If you play the minstrel class, you'll be able to play any instrument. Every other class has at least one or two instruments they can play by default. Check which instrument(s) your specific class can play by opening your skill panel and looking under passive skills for '[instrument] proficiency.' If you'd rather play something your class doesn't know how to play, you can learn that proficiency in one of two ways. You can either find another minstrel player to train you directly, or you can read an instructional manual crafted by a minstrel, which you can usually find for sale in the game's auction house.

Once your character understands the instrument you want to play, you can by the instrument from a bard npc, which you'll be able to find in nearly most of the game's major towns. Keep in mind that the instrument equips to your ranged weapon slot, replacing whatever else was there, so unless you are a minstrel, you're going to want to unequip it and re-equip your weapon before you head back into battle. At any rate, equip the instrument when you're ready to play some tunes, and type /music. You're now in music mode and ready to play!

How Playing Music in LOTRO Works

Just because you've got an instrument in your hands and you're in music mode, it doesn't mean you're going to immediately be able to craft symphonies. Here's how the LOTRO music system works: The game supports 37 musical notes. By default, only 24 of those notes are keymapped, and can be played by pressing the number keys 1-8, and then by pressing those same number keys while holding either Shift or Ctrl to change the octave.

You can map musical notes to any keys you wish by going into your 'keymapping' menu in your options and setting the keys you want to bind each note to. Don't worry; any keymapping set for music is only in effect while playing music. As soon as you put away your instrument, those same keys will respond to their primary 'combat mode' keymapping, so don't be afraid to re-use keys that are set to some of your important skills.

Using LOTRO ABC Files Instead of Manual Keys

Once you've got the keymapping set in a way that suits you, feel free to experiment and see what you can come up with. If you've got an ear for music, maybe you'll be able to create some great sounding notes. If you're more like me and the idea of understanding musical notes well enough to compose anything is both confusing and a little bit frightening, however, don't despair.

The game also supports a type of file called an 'abc file,' which is an ascii-based musical notation. You can download abc files from the web and save them to a folder named 'Music' in your LOTRO directory (the folder named 'The Lord of the Rings Online' in your documents) and you can play them in game by typing '/play [filename]' once in music mode. You can also type /playlist to display a list of all your saved abc files. If you don't already have a 'Music' folder, you'll need to create one. Just make sure you name it exactly that or the game won't recognize the files.

The Best Places to Find ABC Files

Of course, knowing you can play abc files is one thing, but where do you get them? There are tons of websites out there with some abc transcriptions of your favorite songs available, but there are two really great ones that have a great selection. A lot of the selections on each are going to overlap, but it's still worth checking both if you don't see what you're looking for on one or the other:

This site has a great selection in an easy to navigate alphabetical list. It does insist on auto-loading a music player when you first visit the site, which I'd like to think is something web developers are past doing by 2011, but the player is at least at the top of the page and easy to pause, and the selection of files here is quite good.

Lotro Abc File Downloads

This is the real gold standard for abc files. First of all, the selection on this site dwarfs what you'll find on any other site. It almost dwarfs what you'll find on every other site combined. Secondly, and more importantly, it has many multiple part songs. Any song with multiple parts will say as much in the song file. Each part will be labeled with an instrument. The song is meant to be downloaded in portions and distributed among a group of players to play, each playing a specific instrumental portion of the song. You can download a combined version of all parts and play that yourself if you wish, and it will just play every part on whatever instrument you have equipped, but a full band playing synchronized really makes the music come together and sound really strong.

Whether you choose to play manually or by using abc files, music in LOTRO can be a lot of fun, so get yourself an instrument, and enjoy!


Lotro Abc Song Files

Source and Images: Author's own experience.

Additional Reference for Abc Files:,

Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Deeds List

The Fat Lute,